Vocational Training

Continuing vocational or in-company training can be roughly divided into informal and formal learning opportunities. Economic interests often play an overriding role here, since continuing training measures are usually linked to a company. OER therefore do not yet play a relevant role in this area. However, the potential for cooperation between companies, publishers and universities in the development of OER could certainly increase in the coming years.

In Switzerland, basic and higher vocational education and training is organised between the Confederation, the cantons and labour organisations and is therefore regulated by law. Vocational schools and publishers play a decisive role in the development of teaching and learning materials.

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Networking Platform for vocational education and training

Networking platform for vocational education and training
As part of the federal government’s action plan, the Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (SFIVET) is developing a platform to strengthen vocational education and training.


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