The contents of this open educational resources website focus on the Swiss educational landscape. This central Swiss OER information platform appeals to interested individuals and (education) organisations with the aim of pooling resources and creating more transparency about initiatives, ideas and projects.


We promote the exchange of actors and build networks.


We provide an overview and provide access to offers and materials.


We clarify why OER is important for educational institutions.



18 October 2022

The new “OER Creator Workshop” starts 18 October in Zurich.

The workshop is about creating and sharing open and accessible learning materials as Open Educational Resources (OER).

We meet, collaborate, connect ideas, create, and share OER.

Further information and registration



On Saturday, 6th March 2021, the University of Teacher Education Lucerne and the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts invite you to the second conference on Open Educational Resources (OER) in Lucerne. A Call for Contributions will follow in early September.

Please mark the date and share with your community. Find further information on the conference page.


Event: Curriculum Teaching Materials 21 – Insights into Development and Exhibition

FHNW Campus Brugg-Windisch Library



On Saturday, April 25, 2020, the PHBern will be held at the OPEN Education Day 2020. Interested parties can submit their contributions (workshop, presentation…) until mid-December 2019. The program for the event will then be published at the beginning of February 2020. We would be pleased to participate actively.

Open Education Day
Open Education Day – call for speakers



Webinar on the topic OER on 10.12.2019


4 July 2019 – Forum Opendata.ch
The Open Data Community meets for the annual exchange. Conference website


13-14 June 2019 – OERcamp Lübeck Workshops and Barcamp. Participation is free of charge. Conference website


June 2019 – Award for lernumgebungen.ch
The OER platform of PH FHNW wins prize from the University of Wuppertal. more

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